Art Poetry, Part 1
Manuel H. Martín | Animation, Romance
2012 | 62 minutes | Spain
Have you ever wondered what would it be like to mash-up Shakespeare’s poems with sound, music, pictures, and illustration? Art Poetry bringing people closer to poetry by representing a selection of the most significant poems in the history of literature in two-minute animation pieces.
Have you ever wondered what would it be like to mash-up Shakespeare’s poems with sound, music, pictures, and illustration?
Art Poetry is a cross-media project with one main purpose: bringing people closer to poetry by representing a selection of the most significant poems in the history of literature in two-minute animation pieces.
Art Poetry is also a web & mobile app that encourages people to express their feelings by creating their own poems. Poetry is more than words!
List of all the poems:
"Llanto por la muerte de Ignacio Sánchez Mejías" — Federico García Lorca
"Abdenamar y el rey Don Juan" — Anonymous
"Ande yo caliente" — Luis de Góngora
"Rima IV" — Gustavo Adólfo Bécquer
"Canción a las ruinas de Itálica" — Rodrigo Caro
"A una nariz pegado" — Francisco de Quevedo
"Coplas a la muerte de su padre" — Jorge Manrique
"Pura, encendida rosa" — Francisco de Rioja
"Aun, si me fueras fiel" — Angel Ganivet
"Do vas cruel" — Fernando de Herrera
"Soneto XIII" — Garcilaso de la Vega
"Cántico Espiritual" — San Juan de la Cruz
"Receta segura" — Ángel de Saavedra (Duque de Rivas)
"Dicen que no hablan las plantas" — Rosalía de Castro
"Sobre el poder del tiempo" — José Cadalso
"Cantares" — Joan Manuel Serrat
"Canto a Andalucía" — Manuel Machado
"Nocturno" — Rafael Alberti
"Mujeres" — Luis García Montero
"Espera" — José Manuel Caballero Bonald
"La voz cruel" — Manuel Altolaguirre
"Si el hombre pudiera decir" — Luis Cernuda
"Platero y yo (fragmento)" — Juan Ramón Jiménez
"Contigo" — Joaquín Sabina
"Notas para un blues" — Ana Rossetti
"Mi primer bikini" — Elena Medel
"Don Quijote de la Mancha" — Cervantes (1616)
"Los insectos" — Ruben Dario
"El monte de las ánimas" — Gustavo Adólfo Bécquer
"El miserere" — Gustavo Adólfo Bécquer
"Crepúsculo" — José Asunción Silva
"Las hadas" — Jorge Isaacs
"Al mar caribe" — Julio Flórez
"El niño y la mariposa" — Rafael Pombo
"Estar contigo" — José Eusebio Caro
"La música" — Luis Vidales
"Ritornelo" — León de Greiff
"The best in Spanish literature, in the shape of short animation films of great beauty." — Señal Colombia
Main credits
Martín, Manuel H. (film director)
Pragda subjects
Culture + Identity
Latin American Studies
Short Films
Visual Arts
DIRECTOR: Manuel H. Martín
YEAR: 2012
GENRE: Animation, Romance
COLOR / B&W: Color
GRADE LEVEL: High School, College, Adults
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