Indigenous Languages

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The Indigenous Languages collection includes the following titles:

A Place Called Music

Un lugar llamado música
Documentary Mexico
The captivating musical encounter between American composer Philip Glass and Mexican Wixárika musician Daniel Medina.

Amazon Mirror

O Reflexo do Lago
Documentary Brazil
During the 1980s, Brazil's military dictatorship erected a massive Amazon dam, leaving residents without electricity for 40 years. A film crew explores the decision to stay.

Atempa, Dreams by the River

Atempa, sueños a la orilla del rio
Documentary Mexico
Tino considers herself neither male nor female, but rather a “muxe,” a third gender that has been integrated into Zapotec culture.

Ayahuasca: Expansion of Consciousness

Documentary Brazil
This is a comprehensive view of Ayahuasca use, blending scientific, religious, and anthropological perspectives with the director's personal healing journey.

Bad Influence

Mala junta
Fiction, Drama Chile
A reflection of the ongoing Mapuche conflict and social prejudices portrayed through the friendship and solidarity of two teenagers.

Between Fire and Water

Entre fuego y agua
Documentary Colombia
Camilo is a young black man adopted by an indigenous couple in rural Colombia. Supported by his adoptive father, Camilo embarks on a journey to find his true identity and understand his two races.


Fiction, Drama Paraguay, Mexico
Benjamin is having trouble adjusting to barbed wire work. Left by The Boss in a desolate spot, he and other workers feel that the Paraguayan Chaco is getting strange and tiring.

Brickmakers (Chircales)

Documentary, Classic Colombia
An essential and highly influential classic, Chircales is the product of two of the most prominent and rebellious voices of the New Latin American Cinema: Marta Rodríguez and Jorge Silva.

Cerro Rico Tierra Rica

Cerro rico, tierra rica
Documentary Bolivia, Colombia, United States
The rituals of two mining communities are observed in this striking and unsparing portrait of life and work in Bolivia's altiplano. A strong denunciation of the hardships and alienation inherent in mining work while underscoring its impact on the native population.

Ciro and Me

Ciro y yo
Documentary Colombia
Wherever Ciro goes, war always finds him. His children were recruited by the armies of war, his family was repeatedly displaced, and his indigenous wife died of sadness. Foreign to the system, but a victim of the system, Ciro has led a heroic anonymous struggle to live life on his own terms.

Eternal Amazon

Amazônia eterna
Documentary Brazil
A critical analysis of how the world’s largest tropical rainforest is understood and utilized. The film asks whether it is possible for humans to make sustainable use the Amazon by featuring nine successful projects that directly benefit the local population and foster good economic partnerships.

Fidel, Brave Child

Fidel, niño valente
Documentary Argentina, Paraguay
A Paraguayan migrant, Fidel rides a horse deep in the Argentine jungle. Wearing Maradona’s iconic number 10 jersey, he sets out on a quest to earn money and support his mother.

From the Land to Your Table

¿Qué culpa tiene el tomate?
Documentary, Experimental Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Spain, Venezuela
From the Land to Your Table shows the perspectives of seven Ibero-American filmmakers as they capture the conditions and cultural diversity of popular produce markets in their individual countries.

Giants Don't Exist

Los gigantes no existen
Drama, Fiction Guatemala
Based on the true story of Guatemalan activist Jesús Tecú, Chema Rodríguez’s second feature is a harrowing and powerful drama about survival and hope. Teco was one of the few survivors of the 1982 Río Negro massacre against indigenous populations, in which 177 women and children died.


Documentary Paraguay, Argentina, Qatar
Celsa recalls Paraguay’s Stroessner dictatorship, her torture, her husband’s death. Remains are found under Stroessner's home: will she find closure?


Drama, Fiction, Adventure Argentina, Paraguay
Part road movie and part coming-of-age drama, Guaraní portrays two generations of Paraguayans whose views of the world seem centuries apart. A long journey to Buenos Aires will make Atilio and Iara understand the real meaning of traditions and family bonds.

Guie'dani's Navel

El Ombligo de Guie'dani (XQUIPI' GUIE'DANI)
Drama, Fiction Mexico
A striking contrast to Alfonso Cuarón's Roma, Guie’dani’s Navel is a unique coming-of-age narrative exploring the racism inflicted on indigenous people in Mexico and the empowerment of a new generation that refuses to accept it silently.

Helena from Sarayaku

Helena Sarayaku Manta
Documentary Ecuador
Seventeen-year-old Helena Gualinga yearns to protect her Indigenous community from extractive development and the repercussions of climate change.


Drama, Romance, Fiction Ecuador
The first feature in Kichwa, the indigenous language of Amazonian Ecuador, following a photojournalist who becomes entangled in government corruption.

La Chiperita: By the Road

La chiperita
Comedy, Fiction, Romance Paraguay
A box office success in Paraguay, La Chiperita: By The Road speaks to us of love in different ways: the impossible love that might come true, the love of family and friends, but most importantly, the importance of doing things with love.


Documentary Brazil
Filmed over the course of 40 years, indigenous expert and filmmaker Vincent Carelli seeks out the origins of the Guaraní Kaiowá genocide. A conflict of disproportionate forces: the peaceful and obstinate insurgency of the dispossessed Guaraní Kaiowá against the powerful apparatus of agribusiness.


Drama, Fiction Peru
Villagers organize a festival to honor a patron saint, hoping for closure to unresolved trauma of multiple disappearances and years of mourning.

Nudo Mixteco

Nudo mixteco
Drama, Fiction Mexico
A quietly powerful triptych of stories that speak about the impact of migration and the plight of indigenous women in a rural Mixtec village in Oaxaca.

On Suspicion: Zokunentu

Bajo sospecha: Zokunentu
Documentary Chile
A journey through the works of Mapuche artist Bernardo Oyarzún, exploring identity, spirituality, territory and racial justice in contemporary Chile.


Documentary Peru
In a Peruvian Andean community, a family celebrates rituals evoking alpaca spirits. Immersed in Andean mysticism, they embrace new beginnings.

Sealed Cargo

Carga sellada
Drama, Comedy, Fiction Bolivia, France, Mexico, Venezuela
A lively rejoinder to Bolivia's status as a dumping ground for the world's industrial waste. Rich in symbolism and in spirit, Sealed Cargo is a terrific ride through the seldom-seen Altiplano and a potent reminder of what really matters.

Secrets from Putumayo

Segredos do Putumayo
Documentary Brazil
A documentary about the man widely considered to be the pioneer of international human rights inquiries, Roger Casement (1864-1916). His work in Africa, Brazil, and his native Ireland still has repercussions today.

Southern District

Zona sur
Drama, Fiction, Comedy, Romance Bolivia
Bolivia’s official entry for the Academy® Awards, this searing portrait of a patrician family in flux exposes the bubble of decadence in which they exist. The threat of shifting aristocratic privilege heralds a new era in a seemingly interminable class war.

Sun and Daughter

Cuidando al sol
Drama, Fiction Bolivia, Spain, Germany
Ten-year-old Lucía builds her daily in a small village near Lake Titicaca around the eternal wait for her father's return.

The Apizaco Shaman

El brujo de Apizaco
Documentary Mexico
The stormy life of Mexican bullfighter Rodolfo Rodríguez González and his alter ego "THE PANA," who worked as a baker, gravedigger, and bundles loader before becoming a bullfighter.

The Dangerous Memory, Ep. 01 - The Indian Protection Service Scandal

O escândalo do serviço de proteção aos índios
Documentary, Series Brazil
An investigation into the extermination policy of the Brazilian State against indigenous populations during the civil-military dictatorship.

The Dangerous Memory, Ep. 02 - Pacification and Transfer

Pacificação e transferência
Documentary, Series Brazil
An investigation into the extermination policy of the Brazilian State against indigenous populations during the civil-military dictatorship.

The Dangerous Memory, Ep. 03 - The Pin and the Transamazonica

O pin e a transamazõnica
Documentary, Series Brazil
An investigation into the extermination policy of the Brazilian State against indigenous populations during the civil-military dictatorship.

The Dangerous Memory, Ep. 04 - From Emancipation to the Itaipu Hydroelectric Plant

Da emancipação à hidrelétrica Itaipu
Documentary, Series Brazil
An investigation into the extermination policy of the Brazilian State against indigenous populations during the civil-military dictatorship.

The Dangerous Memory, Ep. 05 - The Transnational Indigenous Movement

O movimento indígena transnacional
Documentary, Series Brazil
An investigation into the extermination policy of the Brazilian State against indigenous populations during the civil-military dictatorship.

The Dangerous Memory, Ep. 06 - The 1988 Constitution and the Challenges of the 21st Century

A consituiçao de 1988 e os desafios do séc. XXI
Documentary, Series Brazil
An investigation into the extermination policy of the Brazilian State against indigenous populations during the civil-military dictatorship.

The Eternal Night of Twelve Moons

La eterna noche de las doce lunas
Documentary Colombia
Twelve-year-old Pili is entering womanhood, and as tradition dictates in her Wayuu indigenous community, she must be isolated from all men for 12 moon cycles.

The Facilitator

El facilitador
Drama, Fiction, Thriller Chile, Ecuador, United States
A political thriller about human rights, The Facilitator is one of the most successful films to come out of Ecuador in the last few years.

The Good Life

La buena vida
Documentary Germany, Switzerland
Jairo Fuentes, a charismatic young Wayúu leader, fights to protect his community from displacement caused by the El Cerrejón coal mine's rapid expansion.

The Guardians

Documentary Mexico, United States
An indigenous Mexican community and millions of monarch butterflies are under threat of extinction in the ancient forest they call home.

The Spirit of the Ancestors

Te Kuhane o te Tupuna: El espíritu de los ancestros
Documentary Chile
Three generations of the Pakarati family travel to Europe to reclaim the Stolen Friend - one of Rapa Nui's (Easter Island) sacred spirits - which was stolen by colonizers and is one of the countless sacred objects housed in museums worldwide.

The Wind Blows the Border

Venta na fronteira
Documentary Brazil
On the violent border between Brazil and Paraguay, a battle wages between agribusiness and indigenous sovereignty.

This Stolen Country of Mine

Mein gestohlenes Land
Documentary Germany, Ecuador
Recently assassinated journalist and presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio and the indigenous resistance exposed the Ecuadorian government's corrupt agreements that allow Chinese exploitation of local mines. 

Valentina or the Serenity

Valentina o la serenidad
Drama, Fiction Mexico
Young Valentina uses all her might to believe that her father is still alive. This poignant tale of loss is uplifted by the joyous nature of love.

Yvy Maraey Land Without Evil

Yvy Maraey, tierra sin mal
Drama, Fiction, Adventure Bolivia
A Bolivian filmmaker and a Guaraní Indian travel together through the forests of southeastern Bolivia to make a film about the Guaraní people.


Documentary Chile
When Gabriela discovers that Zoila, her childhood Mapuche indigenous nanny, doesn’t appear in the family tapes, she begins to question her mother's social construct.