In a Foreign Land

(En tierra extraña)
Icíar Bollaín | Documentary

2014 | 73 minutes | Spain

The film portrays the experience of intra-European exile tackled by Spain’s highest-profile female director, Icíar Bollaín (Even the Rain, Take My Eyes).


Gloria is one of the 700,000 Spanish people who have left Spain since the crisis started. A native of Almería, 32, a teacher without a posting, Gloria has been a shop assistant in an Edinburgh store for the past two years. Along with the collective that she herself launched, Gloria has set up an action, an event which, with the motto “Neither lost nor silenced”, expresses the frustration and provides visibility and a voice to any of the over 20,000 Spaniards living in Scotland’s capital who wish to participate. The film portrays the experience of intra-European exile tackled by Spain’s highest-profile female director, Icíar Bollaín (Even the Rain, Take My Eyes).


"The experience of intra-European exile tackled by Spain's highest-profile female director, as young Spaniards continue to leave their country in droves in search of a better life." — Jonathan Holland, The Hollywood Reporter

Main credits

Bollaín, Icíar (film director)
Bollaín, Icíar (screenwriter)
Bollaín, Icíar (film producer)
Luna, Alicia (screenwriter)
Badenes, Lina (film producer)
San Juan, Alberto (interviewee (expression))
García Roca, J (interviewee (expression))
Egea Cañabate, Gloria (interviewee (expression))
Zumárraga, Cristina (film producer)

Other credits

Cinematography, Iciar Bollain; music, Pascal Gaigne; editor, Nacho Ruiz Capillas.

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San Sebastián International Film Festival
São Paulo International Film Festival
Festival of New Spanish Cinema
Cologne International Women Film Fest
Créteil International Women's Film Festival
Málaga Film Festival

DIRECTOR: Icíar Bollaín


YEAR: 2014

GENRE: Documentary

LANGUAGE: English; Spanish; Other languages

COLOR / B&W: Color

GRADE LEVEL: High School, College, Adults



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